Wednesday, 11 July 2007

Possible types of research

I am going to use primary and secondary research to collect information and data, this research should help me gather accurate and correct information i need to continue:

Primary research is where you conduct your own research. Good solid Examples of primary research are surveys and interviews etc.

Secondary research is research that you have looked up that has already been carried out by other people. This research can be reliable when dealing with fact based issues such as the topic I am studying "Hooliganism"

Other types of research

Ouantitative : A type of resarch, usally based on numbers, statistics or tables, that attempts to measure some kind of phenomenon and produce hard dadt. It often involves working with large groups of people.

Oualitative : Research that attempts to explain or understand something and may neccessitate much discussion and analysis of people's attitudes and other behaviour. It usually involves working with small numbers of people or focus groups.

The Essential Introduction
AS Media Studies
2nd Edition

Philip Rayner, Peter Wall and Stephen Kruger.

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